Zijun Lin

Zijun Lin

M.Sc. Student

About Me

I am a Postgraduate Student at Robotics and Computer Vision Lab, advised by Prof. Hong Zhang. Previously, I received my B.E. degree in Robotics from Southern University of Science and Technology, in 06/2022. My research interests include Deep Reinforcement Learning and its application in robotics.


Research Introduction (From Kim, N., Kwon, O., Yoo, H., Choi, Y., Park, J., & Oh, S. (2022, September). Topological Semantic Graph Memory for Image-Goal Navigation. In 6th Annual Conference on Robot Learning.)

My research interests focus on the applications of DRL and GNN in robotic vision. My future research plan may include:

  1. Vision-langugage navigation
  2. Object-goal navigation
  3. Mobile manipulation