Chengjie Zhang

Chengjie Zhang

M.Sc. Student

About Me

I am Chengjie Zhang, a M.Sc. student in Robotics and Computer Vision Lab under the direction of Prof. Hong Zhang at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), since 09/2024. I received the B.E. degree in robotc engineering, SUSTech in 06/2023. I previously worked on human robot interaction, robot audition, and signal processing. Currently, my research focuses on visual imitation learning for robotic manipulation.


  • An effective head-based HRI for 6D robotic grasping using mixed reality. C Zhang, C Lin, Y Leng, Z Fu, Y Cheng, C Fu, et al. RA-L (2023).

  • Asynchronous microphone array calibration using hybrid TDOA information. C Zhang, J Wang, H Kong. IROS (2024).

  • Calibration of Multiple Asynchronous Microphone Arrays using Hybrid TDOA. C Zhang*, Wenda Pan*, Xinyang Han, and He Kong. ICASSP (2025).

Honor and Awards

  • 2023 School-level outstanding undergraduate graduates.
  • 2021 First Prize of School-level Outstanding Students. <8%